Kingsham is alive with the sound of children learning and laughing
After eight weeks of the school year interrupted by lockdown, it has been a joy to welcome all of the children back to school. There were more than one or two relieved adults happily dropping their children off at the school gates on Monday!
We have been touched by the overwhelming number of positive comments from parents and carers about the education their children received either remotely or at school. The adults in the school have worked incredibly hard to ensure this week is a success for all of the children. We still have half of the year left to achieve great things with the children!
Have a look at some of the achievements of this week:
Children have clearly been working on their number bonds and their times tables as we have had a good number of them earning their times table bands.
There have been some fabulous examples of work that children have brought in, having completed it at home:
The playgrounds are alive with the joy of children playing with their friends...It has felt like a long time, but it is wonderful to have them back.