First Day - Monday 6th September
We hope everyone had a fantastic summer break. The adults in the school have had a really productive week preparing for the first day of the new school year and we are very excited to welcome everyone back.
The school day will start at 8:40am for all children. Apple, Pear, Ash and Cherry class will finish at 3:00pm and all of the classes in KS2 will finish at 3:05pm.
Your children will find out when their PE days are when they return on Monday. Children will continue to wear their PE Kits into school on the days they have PE.
As you will have seen on the news, the government have reduced the restrictions on how we can operate in school. This means that children will not need to remain in the class bubbles all day and that we can hold assemblies together.
We will ensure we continue with enhanced cleaning, good hygiene reminders for everyone, good ventilation across the school and strict adherence to public health advice on testing, self-isolation and managing confirmed cases of COVID-19.
For more information on the measures we are taking to keep our children safe please click here to go to our COVID 19 page.