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Kingsham Primary School

Eco Schools Bronze Award

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To help us in our quest to become a 'Sustainable school' we have been working hard towards the Eco-Schools Awards. We have already gained the Bronze  awards and are now working towardsthe Silver award. There are lots of criteria to meet to gain the Silver award Green Flag and therefore we need to ensure that we have everything in place that we need in order to pass the assessment.

Here are details of what we needed to do to achieve the bronze award.

Bronze award criteria:


  • The school has an Eco-Committee consisting of pupils and adults
  • The group meets at least once every term
  • Records are kept of meetings

Environmental Review

  • The Eco-Committee has completed an Environmental Review covering the Eco-Schools nine topics
  • Results of the review have been discussed by the Eco-Committee

Action Plan

  • The Eco-Committee has produced a basic Action Plan influenced by the Environmental Review and shared the plan with the rest of the school community
  • The Eco-Committee can identify progress towards achieving elements of the Action Plan