A Very Warm Welcome Back
9th January 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
Happy New Year!
We have just had a wonderful assembly today where all of the class teachers have said what an incredible start the children have had to the beginning of term. It has been so lovely to see the children who are clearly well rested after their break and ready to give lots of effort for a thoroughly successful term.
Just a reminder that Monday 20th February is an INSET day. We have detailed all of the key dates for this term at the end of the newsletter. Please make sure you keep space in your diaries for the school events that we have set out for you especially the parent/carer consultation evenings on 9th and 14th March.
Staff News
Emma Jackson will sadly be leaving us on 13th January. Emma has worked at the school for 12 years and in that time made a huge impact on a number of our children and their families. We would like to say a huge thank you to her for all that she has done for the Kingsham community and wish her all the very best as she continues her career working for the local authority in Children and Family Services.
Christmas Performances
A huge thank you for all of your support throughout the festive period at our performances across the school. It was such a pleasure to be able to share the children’s singing and performing with you fully.
The joy on the faces of the children and their families was an absolute highlight of the year for me. I feel very lucky to be able to show off such a wonderful school. My enormous thanks to all of the adults in the school who made it all possible.
Children’s Mobile Phones
Can we please ask that your child only brings in a mobile phone to school if it is absolutely necessary? If that is the case, all phones must be switched off and handed into the office at the beginning of every school day. They can then be picked up at the end of the school day. Many thanks for your support with this.
Our New Trim Trail
Work has begun on our new Trim Trail which has been partly funded by generous donations from our families. We are ensuring that work will not be undertaken when children are being dropped off and picked up or during their lunchtimes.
We are very much looking forward to unveiling the finished equipment so that the children can play on it very soon.
As you know, last year the children of Kingsham Primary School read over 101 million words!! After a third of the year, we are currently up to 35 224 374 words. Hopefully we can match or beat last year’s total!
Please continue to support us by:
When this is done five times a week, it makes a massive difference!
Please could we ask parents and carers to support their children with the learning of their number bonds and times tables.
As you know, the children have access to Numbots (https://play.numbots.com/#/intro ) and Times Table Rock Stars ( https://play.ttrockstars.com/ ). These platforms can help children to practice their number bonds and times tables. Alternatively, children can get some practice cards from their teachers to help them to do their homework. Please speak to your child’s teacher for support with this.
Key Dates For The Spring Term
Here are the dates for our families to be aware of:
With my very best wishes for the new year.
Mr Lee Dallinger