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Kingsham Primary School

Latest News

Page 29

  • Bag2School

    Published 16/09/20, by Admin

    Kingsham Primary School will be holding a Bag 2 School collection on the 28th September 2020 to raise funds for the school. Due to current circumstances we will not be sending the collection bags home but instead ask you to put any donations into a bin liner(s

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  • Look at our New Library!

    Published 11/09/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Take a look at our refurbishment journey

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  • Chichester High School's Virtual Open Evening on Wednesday 23rd September

    Published 11/09/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Invitation to Year 6 Parents and Carers

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  • Being Safe On-line

    Published 10/09/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Please speak to your children about being safe on-line

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  • 99% Attendance Yesterday

    Published 08/09/20, by Lee Dallinger

    A huge thank you for your support and consideration

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  • Welcome Back to Kingsham

    Published 04/09/20, by Lee Dallinger

    We are so looking forward to welcoming everybody back

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  • Refurbishment Work is Nearly Complete

    Published 27/08/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Incredible new spaces at the school

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  • Refurbishment Project Continues

    Published 10/08/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Have a look at the photos of the work being done...

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  • Library Refurbishment is Underway

    Published 25/07/20, by Lee Dallinger

    Donate to our crowdfunding page

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  • Rainbows At Kingsham

    Published 16/04/20, by Admin
    The pupils at Kingsham Primary  are 'keeping positive' as they get stuck into crafts and other activities. Children of key workers and vulnerable children are still attending school, and together they have come up with the idea o
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  • United Voices​​​​​​​

    Published 31/01/20, by Admin

    On Wednesday 22nd January, Beech and Poplar participated in United Voices at Chichester Festival Theatre. They wore brightly coloured tops and got the opportunity to sing a song without the other 10 schools, “Something Inside So Strong”. Emily Barden directed and we even sung her song “A Voice for Peace”. Everyone really enjoyed it and the whole event sounded exceptional. All the other schools sounded great too. Head Boy and Girl, Rory and Amy bravely told the audience about “Something Inside So Strong” and everyone was really brave too. Year 5 and 6 represented Kingsham extraordinarily well and everyone is really proud of them.


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  • Yr 5 and 6 Junior Conservancy Day

    Published 31/01/20, by Admin

    Yr 5 and  6  Junior Conservancy Day


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