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Kingsham Primary School

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Page 30

  • Inter-house Talent Competition​​​​​​​

    Published 20/12/19, by Admin
    Well done to everyone who took part in the Inter-house Talent Competition and congratulations to Ruby House who were the overall winners.  
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  • Maple Tenor Horn Performance​​​​​​​

    Published 20/12/19, by Admin

    We performed 3 tenor horn songs, the songs were,

    Hot cross buns, Mary had a little lamb. The grand finale was Baby Shark. You are probably thinking it was the tenor horns but it wasn`t  we sang it. We also sang a song called When I Grow Up from Matilda the Musical, our song was so good it brought tears to our parents eyes. By Joe


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  • Year 1 and 2 Novium Museum Space Workshop​​​​​​​

    Published 20/12/19, by Admin

    Yr 1 and 2 had an amazing workshop finding out about being  an astronaut through the eyes of local hero, Tim Peake. They learnt about gravity, what kind of diet they have in space and how they exercise.


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  • Bikeability Week

    Published 20/12/19, by Admin
    This week in Year 6, we have been learning how to ride safely on the road. We have been learning how to signal to other cars which way we are turning. Also we have been taught which way you should stand when you are going to start riding. On Tuesday
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  • The New Guinea Pigs​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Published 20/11/19, by Admin

    Jess, Ness and Tess – we all like blending in Apple and Pear class.


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  • BBC Children in Need is back! 15th November​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

    Published 20/11/19, by Admin

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • Weald and Downland living museum

    Published 11/11/19, by Admin
    The week before half term Poplar and Beech had the best oppotunity to go on a trip to the Weald and Downland museum to learn about the saxons. It was amazing we set of on two coaches and arrived exited and ready to go. We went to do lots of different
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  • Viking Workshop

    Published 11/11/19, by Admin
    The first session was about warriors in the viking age. First we looked at a sword but it was not real. Then he got his sheild and I was amazed by it. He then got the rest of the wepons out. He handed out the helmets and the chainmail and I lifted it
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    Published 23/10/19, by Admin

    At the cathedral, we went in and settled down. We enjoyed singing, listening to poems, songs and sharing lots of ideas about friendship. Our contribution was “Count on Me” which we sang as a school at the front of the cathedral. After the service, we did different activities about being a good friend. It was amazing!!


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  • Year 3 and 4 Butser Farm Trip

    Published 11/10/19, by Admin

    On Friday  4th October, Maple, Willow and Birch class went on a  school trip to Butser Ancient Farm. The reason we did this school trip was to continue our learning about the Stone Age and to imagine what it would be like to be a stone age child. I had an amazing time and I am sure everyone else did too.

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  • Year 6 Residential Trip​​​​​​​

    Published 04/10/19, by Admin
    Last week, our Year 6 pupils made us so proud as they demonstrated all our CROWN learning values in style at the Kingswood activity centre on the Isle of Wight.  They particularly grew in resilience and no-limits, as they pushed themselves to ne
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  • Maple Class Music​​​​​​​

    Published 04/10/19, by Admin
    On Tuesday we played the French Horn. It was really fun because it was really loud and some tunes were really good. Sometimes it was a bit quiet and sometimes it was really loud. Some French horns were shiny gold and some were cool silver. Maple clas
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