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Kingsham Primary School

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Page 31

  • Year 1 and 2 Zoo Trip​​​​​​​

    Published 04/10/19, by Admin
    First we went to see the amazing Penguins dive into the dirty water. It was the best thing there at Marwell Zoo. Next we saw the spotty yellow cute Giraffes eating branches with leaves on, it was quite loud in there. I cant believe how big the Giraff
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  • Yr 5 Record Office Trip​​​​​​​

    Published 25/06/19, by Admin
    On Monday 10th June, twelve Year Five Children went to Chichester Record Office. First Nicola  and  Jenny introduced themselves and told us about The Record Office  and what we were going to do. Then we went to The Strong Room and they
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  • Yr 1 & 2 Market Trip

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin
    Elm class walked fast to the market and we were very excited to buy some amazing fruit. Then we bought  our lovely fruit and brought it back to have a feast. Next we walked back to  Kingsham Primary School. Finally we got back to the
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  • Yr3/4 Pallant House Trip​​​​​​​

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin
    My class and I walked to Pallant House Gallery. There was a lady who gave a tour and talked about one point perspective painting. After that we went to a place called the library with black and white painting with lots of detail. Then we walked back
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  • Chichester Sings 2019​​​​​​​

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin
    On Thursday 17th January 2019, Kingsham Primary School took part in Chichester Sings at Chichester Festival Theatre. This was a special event. Altogether, nine schools participated—it bought the community together; we were conducted and taught
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  • Remembrance

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin
    This week in Apple and Pear class, we had a remembrance ceremony. We all stood quietly and listened to the bugle play and we showed all our grown ups our special memories that we had written on a poppy to hang up. We looked at our poppy art work and
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  • Yr 6 Kingswood Trip

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin
    Last week Year 6 visited Kingswood, Isle of Wight. Kingswood was one of the best experiences ever. We had so much fun. The activities such as 3G swing, laser tag, Jacobs ladder, zip wire and so much more  and were so fun. Everyone did well and e
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  • Year 1 and 2 Dinosaur Workshop​​​​​​​

    Published 21/05/19, by Admin

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • New Blog Post

    Published 16/09/18, by Admin

    Autumn 2018 School Clubs

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  • World Book Day

    Published 12/03/18, by Admin

    World Book Day

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  • School is closed today

    Published 27/02/18, by Jacqui Whall

    Friday 2nd March

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  • New Blog Post

    Published 30/01/18, by Admin

    Yr R/1 Grandparent Day

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