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Kingsham Primary School


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News updates from Kingsham

Dear Parents and Carers

It was such a joy to be able to invite parents and carers into school for our whole school picnic to celebrate the King’s Coronation. It was a great reminder of the warmth of our whole school community and the pleasure we have in celebrating together. Thank you to everyone who attended and we look forward to a similar celebration when we have our sports day on the 21st June.

I wish all of our families a wonderful half term in the sunshine and look forward to my favourite half term of the year from the 5th June.

Staff News

Nicola Keenoy will be leaving the school on Friday. She leaves us to take up an opportunity to work for the local authority and takes all of our very best wishes with her. She has had a large impact on so many children not just in her role as Teaching Assistant but in her Thrive sessions with specific children. The children and staff will miss her and we are extremely grateful for everything she has done for the school.

We have welcomed Michelle Rankin as our new Finance and HR Officer. I am sure that all parents and carers will make her feel welcome if you see her in the office or speak to her on the phone.

Mrs Twine has now taken up her new position as our Pastoral Support Worker. She is already working with families and children to support in a range of ways and will be in contact with more families in the weeks to come.

Congratulations to both Mrs Swires-Hennessy and Miss Kyriakides who have successfully completed their NPQ professional qualifications. These qualifications require a lot of personal study and strengthens the staff team with the knowledge and skills they have developed.

Attendance Reminder

Could I please remind all families of the importance of full attendance at school. We know from so much research that it is not just children’s academic progress that is affected by attendance, but their overall well-being and social development. Full attendance at school helps secure children’s sense of belonging and connectedness within the school community and supports their social and emotional development.

While an attendance of 90% may sound like a good total, in reality it means that a child would have missed 13 days of school so far this year. That is obviously over 2 and a half weeks of learning time that is lost to absence. We are fully aware that some absence is unavoidable, but wherever possible, we urge you to support us by avoiding any non-essential absence during term time.

Eco Green Flag

I am very pleased to announce that Kingsham Primary School has again been successful in being awarded the Eco Green Flag award – again with distinction!

A huge well done to the entire team who have worked so hard to maintain this for our school and an enormous thank you to Mrs Tarrant who spearheads all of this work for us.



We are edging closer to our school target from last year to read over 101 million words!! We are currently up to 78 296 518 words.

Last term, we celebrated a huge number of children meeting their own personal targets. Thank you to all of our families who have supported their children’s reading by:

  • Reading to your children,
  • Reading with your children and
  • Listening to them read.

Please encourage your children to do this 5 times a week- the improvements we see are enormous when this happens!


Important Dates for Summer Term 2023

  • Year 5/6 trip to Natural History Museum – 13.06.23
  • Sports Week – 19.06.23-23.06.23 (All children to wear PE kit all week)
  • Sports Day – 21.06.23 – Key Stage 2 am and Reception and Key Stage 1 pm.
  • Parent Carer Consultations – End of year reports and classes for next year – 22.06.23 and 27.06.23
  • Transition Day – 05.07.23
  • Year R trip to Staunton Country Park – 07.07.23
  • Year 3 and 4 Drumming Concert – 11.07.23
  • Year 6 End of Year party – 5-7pm 13.07.23
  • Family Film on the Field – 18.07.23
  • Year 5/6 Performances – 6:30pm 17.07.23 and 1:30pm 19.07.23
  • Year 6 Celebration awards assembly – 9:00am 20.07.23
  • Early finish 1:15pm 21.07.23


With my very best wishes for the rest of the Summer Term ahead.


Mr Lee Dallinger
