Here is some information for Parents and Carers about the statutory assessments for 2022/2023
In the next few days, you will be receiving a copy of your child’s statutory assessments. Here is some information regarding these assessments including:
You can find more information about these assessments on the government website:
It is important to note that we value the whole child at Kingsham and these statutory assessments do not capture the full curriculum and opportunities that children participate in. Our End of Year Reports, including children’s presentations during the Parent/Carer Consultation, highlight all of the achievements and successes over the past year. This statutory information is shared with parents and carers only, it is entirely your decision if you would like to share this information with your child.
Results at the end of Key Stage One
Your child’s teacher has reported their teacher assessment judgements as part of the End of Year reports. When making their teacher assessment judgements, teachers will assess your child’s work against a clearly defined framework.
For English reading, English writing and mathematics, each judgement reports if a pupil is:
For science the judgement shows if a pupil:
Results at the end of Key Stage Two
National Curriculum Tests
Your child’s test result is reported as a scaled score for each subject. A scaled score is created from the number of marks your child scores in a particular test. We use scaled scores to report the results of these tests to ensure we can make accurate comparisons of performance over time. At KS2 the range of scaled scores is 80 to 120.
A scaled score:
Teacher assessments
Your child’s teacher forms their judgements by assessing your child’s work against frameworks in English writing and science. For English writing, the judgement shows if a pupil is:
For science the judgement shows if a pupil:
Phonics Screening Check
Phonics is an effective way of teaching children to read. We have been implementing a new Phonics scheme (Little Wandle) to improve literacy levels and give all children a solid base to build on as they progress through school.
The phonics screening check contains 40 words with a mixture of real words and pseudo-words. Pseduo-words are words that are phonically decodable but are not actual words with an associated meaning. The check is designed to give teachers information on how your child is progressing in phonics. It will help to identify whether your child needs additional support at this stage so that they do not fall behind in this vital early reading skill. Children who have not met the standard in year 1 will re-take the check in year 2. The results of any re-take will also be shared with you.
The pass mark for this year’s Phonics Screening Check was 32.
Multiplication Tables Check
The MTC is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. There is no pass mark for the check.