Important information about our school
Dear Parents and Carers
Happy New Year! We hope you all enjoyed a lovely break over the Christmas period where you and the children enjoyed some rest and important time together.
I am so pleased to say that the year has started really well and continued with the strong momentum with which we began the academic year. The children all loved the opportunity to have a STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) assembly last week. They had the opportunity to get close to some really exciting activities. Additionally, we had our annual house cross country races and we will be sending a very strong team to compete against other schools in Chichester as well as to the Corporate Challenge.
I would also like to draw your attention to the dates for this term at the end of the newsletter.
I celebrated the children who have made the most progress in their reading in Assembly on Monday. There were plenty of children who have made more than a year’s progress in the first term with one child in Year 2 making 2 years and 11 months progress. That is exceptional!
As a school, we have read over 36 million words so far this year with so many children achieving their reading targets. Thank you for all of your support at home with this.
Excellent Work
I have been inundated with children bringing excellent work across the curriculum to share with me. A great number have come back from the holidays to achieve their number bond or times table band. The teachers have been really excited by the quality of work they are seeing and the efforts of so many children to learn their number bonds and times tables at home.
Year 6 Hoodies
Thank you to the parents and carers who have ordered and paid for the Year 6 Leavers Hoodies. We have made the bulk order and will let you know when they arrive in school.
Parking around the school
Can we please remind all of our parents and carers to park safely and considerately around the school grounds. Children and staff need to be transported to and from school at all times and we all have a responsibility to ensure that the school environment is safe for our children and whole school community.
We continue to be in regular contact with the Parking Enforcement team at West Sussex to ensure the safety of the school community. Please can everyone do their part to contribute by parking safely and considerately.
Our school attendance remains a key priority of ours. 66 children have not missed any time off school since September with 100% attendance – this is superb!
Please can I remind everyone that school starts at 8:40 and we open the gates at 8:35. Your child must arrive at school for 8:40 every morning as important learning (usually Reading) begins from 8:40.
Safe Collection of children from Kingsham Primary School
I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify our policy for collecting your child if you are not available.
If you are not available to pick up your child, please contact the school office and advise who will be collecting them. If the person you have nominated is on the child’s contact list that you have already given to us, or if the person is another parent or carer who we have the details of we will be happy to allow the child to leave with this alternative adult that you have advised.
If the person you have nominated is not on the child’s contact list and is, therefore, not known to the school, we will ask you for the full name of the adult to be sent to us in writing to The adult with then need to go to the office to show their identification so that we can verify the identity of that person.
I am sure you will understand that this procedure is in place to keep your children safe.
Information from West Sussex County Council - Make sure your child has received the MMR vaccination
Routine vaccinations play a huge part in protecting us all against a range of unpleasant and often serious childhood diseases, including measles, mumps and rubella. Check your child is up to date with their MMR and other childhood vaccinations here:
Older children and adults who haven’t had both doses of the MMR vaccine could be at risk of measles. Two doses of the MMR vaccine are needed for lifelong protection and it’s never too late to catch up on missed vaccinations. Vaccinations are offered free of charge in the UK, simply call your GP practice to book an appointment.
For more information please visit
Tuesdays – Year 5 swimming every week until Easter
1st February – AIM Higher Maths event for invited Year 5/6 children
2nd February – Winchester Science Museum trip for Year 5 and 6
5th February – School Disco: 4 – 5pm EY and KS1, 5:30 – 6:30pm KS2
12th – 16th February – Half Term
19th February – INSET Day (School closed to children)
21st February – Yr 5/6 Sportshall Athletics Finals for invited children.
27th February – Junior Conservancy Trip – Beech Class
28th February – Key Stage 2 Theatre Trip to ‘Boy at the Back of the Class’
29th February – Dance House for invited children at Worthing Pavillion
5th March – Parent and Carer Consultations (3:30 – 6:30pm)
7th March – Bag 2 School Collection
19th March – Parent and Carer Consultation (3:30 – 6:00pm)
21st March – Year 3/4 trip to Butser Farm
25th March – Rocksteady Concert at 2:30 to parents and carers
28th March – Last day of Spring Term (Return to school on Tuesday 16th April)
Term dates for the year can be found by clicking here.
Best wishes for a really fabulous 2024