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Kingsham Primary School

May Newsletter

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Update from Kingsham including important Term Dates

Dear Parents and Carers

I write in the middle of a very busy week for our Year 6 children and our staff. They have begun the week with such a fantastic attitude and so many of the staff have remarked on their pride at the resilience and focus that they have shown. The year group really are stepping up as the role models that we rely on them to be.

As always, I have included some key dates for the rest of the Summer Term so you can mark Sports Day etc. in your diaries.

One of our governors conducted a pupil questionnaire two weeks ago and it was a delight to listen to the hugely positive comments from the children about their views of Kingsham – I will share some of them in a future post.


New members of staff

We would like to welcome Mia Enstone and Cat Rose to the school. Mia is our new Finance and HR Officer and works full time to support all of the finance and HR functions of the school. Cat is our admin assistant who works in the afternoons to be able to support the administrative functions of the school and I am sure many of you have spoken to her already.



Over the past few weeks the attendance at the school has really improved as we shake off some of the wintry colds, coughs and sickness. Thank you for all of your efforts to improve our attendance to above national levels during this time.

We are still experiencing some children who are missing important learning time because they are arriving late to school. Please support your children’s learning by ensuring they get to school for 8:40am every morning.


Speaking and Listening Development

As I have mentioned before, we have done a lot of work this year to support the development of children’s speaking and listening skills. With the support of the University of Chichester Academy Trust, we have undertaken a lot of training of our teaching and support staff. From our Poetry by Heart competition to opportunities across the curriculum to discussing issues in pairs, groups and as a class, we have been looking for opportunities to develop our children as speakers in a range of situations.

Please support the development of your own children’s speaking and listening by continuing to support our ‘No phones at pick-up’ policy. Also, ask them about opportunities they have had to discuss their ideas during the day.


Extra-curricular activities

My enormous thanks to all of our staff who work tirelessly to be able to provide such a huge range of extra-curricular activities and clubs. From gardening club to basketball club and from dodgeball matches to performing arts, our children are very fortunate to be able to share their passions with our staff.

We are very excited to be able to bring you our Performing Arts showcase from the University of Chichester on 4th July and for our Year 5 and 6 to play in the next round of the area football cup.

Positive Feedback from Autumn Lodge Care Home

Hello, my name is Amy Robinson and I am writing from Autumn Lodge care home, where I am the activities coordinator. I wanted to send my praises and thanks in regards to Miss McKeown who so very kindly over the Christmas period done a video call to my residents where her lovely students performed some carols for my residents. She was more than happy and willing to be involved and she put together a wonderful little performance and the children were absolutely brilliant and my residents loved it, she is a credit to your team. Sorry I haven’t written sooner but I didn’t want her kindness and the children’s great deed to go a miss without great thanks and recognition and  I would love to do more in the future, thank you 

Kind regards 

Amy Robinson 


Message from Kingsham PTA

It's time for another Kingsham Primary School DISCO!!! This time we're celebrating friendship in recognition of all the special friends the children have made at school.


Thursday 23rd May after school in the hall

Early Years and KS1 disco times are 4:00 - 5:00 PM

KS2 disco times are 5:30 - 6:30 PM.

If your child is in Year 3 and you think they would be happier in the earlier KS1 disco feel free to bring them to that instead.

Entry is £3.00 per child, with pricing capped at £9 for multiple siblings. Payment is in advance via Arbor to help us get all the children in and dancing as quickly as possible!!

Remember to pack a water bottle and noise reduction headphones if needed.

If you are interested in joining the PTA, want to help out at the disco or at the upcoming circus on 17th July - don't forget to get your circus tickets on ticketebo - message us at:

A huge thank you to our PTA for providing the breakfasts throughout this week for our Year 6 pupils as they undertake their National Curriculum Tests.


First Day of Term in September

Some parents and carers have been asking us about the date that children will return after the summer holidays. We have one INSET day so the children will return on Tuesday 3rd September. You will receive separate communication if you have children in Reception regarding their first weeks at Kingsham Primary School.


Passionate about working with children? - PORTSMOUTH PRIMARY SCITT – TRAIN TO TEACH

Do you have a degree in any subject?

Would you like to become a qualified teacher, with a PGCE, in just 1 year?

Would you like to be part of an ‘Outstanding’ provision with bespoke support?

Would you like to start in September 2024?

 If so, please give us a call at Portsmouth Primary SCITT on 023 92373432 or email us at

We look forward to hearing from you!


Summer Term Dates:

Mon 13th – Thurs 16th May – Year 6 National Curriculum Tests

Friday 17th May – Freestyle Football Workshops

Monday 20th May – Children’s polling day for a whole school vote

Mon 27th – Fri 31st May – Half Term

Mon 3rd – Fri 7th June – Year 5 Health and Fitness Week

Thursday 6th June – Bag2School Collection day

Mon 17th – Fri 21st June – Kingsham Sports Week

Wednesday 19th June – Kingsham Sports Day

Friday 21st June – Kingsham Sports Day (Wet weather contingency)

Mon 24th June – Fri 28th June – Year 6 Bikeability

Wednesday 3rd July – Transition Day (Children will spend the day in their new classes)

Thursday 4th July – Dance and Drama Showcase at the University of Chichester.

Monday 8th July – INSET Day

Monday 15th July – (2:15 – 3:00) Rocksteady Concert to parents and carers

Wednesday 17th July – Happy Circus at Kingsham – Tickets available on Arbor or

Tuesday 23rd July – Last Day of term (1:15 finish for all children)

May Half Term Opportunities

Kind Regards




Mr Lee Dallinger