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Kingsham Primary School

Important Dates for the Rest of the Term

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Key events for children before 23rd July

As we enter the final few weeks of the term, there is no sign of things slowing down at Kingsham Primary School. There are so many events and opportunities for the children in the coming weeks and the dates are set out below. 

The children are all finishing the year so strongly. It was a joy to watch some of them sharing their greatest achievements with their parents and carers last week. Having read all the end of year reports, the progress the children have made this year is an enormous sense of pride. Thank you to all of our families for the support you have given throughout the year.

Please don't forget to get your tickets for our Circus:


Key Dates for the Rest of the Term

Tuesday 2nd July – Parent/Carer Consultations – please contact the school office if you have not yet made an appointment.

Wednesday 3rd July – Transition Day - Children will spend the day in their new classes. Please drop your children off and pick them up from their normal classes and they will move into their new classes during the school day.

Thursday 4th July – Performing Arts Showcase at the University of Chichester (6pm start). Tickets available on Arbor.

Friday 5th July – Crazy Hair Day. Wear your hair as crazy as you like – all we ask is for you to bring in a bottle or a teddy (in good condition) as a donation for our summer fayre on 17th July. (School uniform to be worn as normal.)


Monday 8th July – INSET Day. School closed to all pupils.


Monday 15th July – (2:15 – 3:00pm) Rocksteady Concert to parents and carers

Monday 15th July – 6pm Year 5/6 Evening Performance (Children to be dropped off at 5:30 to prepare.)

Tuesday 16th July – 1:30pm. Year 5/6 Afternoon Performance

Wednesday 17th July – Happy Circus at Kingsham – Tickets available on Arbor or

Gates open at 4pm for the summer fayre stalls. Circus begins at 6pm.

Thursday 18th July – Year 6 Leavers Party. 5pm.


Monday 22nd July – 9:30. Year 6 Celebration event to Parents and Carers.

Tuesday 23rd July – Last Day of term (1:15 finish for all children)*


*Please note that the last after-school club will be Monday 22nd July.