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Kingsham Primary School

July Newsletter

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Important Information about the end of the year and next year

Dear Parents and Carers

We come to the end of a truly fantastic year at Kingsham. I am still bursting with pride at both the Performing Arts Showcase at The University of Chichester and the excellent Key Stage 2 results. I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to the whole of the Kingsham community for everything you have done to make this year such a successful one. From the staff, governors, PTA and the Trust to the parents, carers and children, there has been an incredible effort to create something very special this year. Working together, as we have this year, we will be able to achieve another successful year next year.

As you know, we finish at 1:15pm on Tuesday 23rd July. The children start back on Tuesday 3rd September (children in Apple class will have home visits during the first week back). To see all of our term dates for the year, including INSET days, please click here.

From 3rd September, the School day will run from 8:40am (gates open at 8:35am) until 3:20pm every day next year. If you have more than one child at the school, please pick up your youngest children first – we will keep hold of the older children to allow you to do this. After school club will continue to run straight from when school finishes until 5:30pm.


Year 6 National Curriculum Test Results

Our Year 6 cohort have produced the best set of results the school has ever achieved – improving even on last year’s results. They should be unbelievably proud of themselves and it really shows what you can achieve with hard work, focus and determination. They are all ready for a very successful career at their secondary schools.


% of pupils achieving expected standard

% of children achieving greater depth


(64%) 74%

(23%) 35%


(71%) 78%

(13%) 16%


(63%) 72%

(18%) 24%

RWM Combined

(50%) 62%

(9%) 10%

2023 Results in brackets

Performing Arts Showcase

We were extremely fortunate to have a professional photographer give up his time for the day of the performance and take some exquisite photos of the showcase. Head over to our Instagram and Facebook pages to have a look at some of them.

Staff Leaving

Miss McKeown – Miss McKeown has been a superb teacher in Pear class this year. She is absolutely adored by the children and we have been extremely lucky to have her for this academic year. She will continue her career at the University of Chichester Academy Trust as she teaches a Reception class at Berewood Primary School. We wish her every success as she embarks on the next step of a blossoming teaching career.

Mrs Green – Mrs Green has given so much to Kingsham Primary School. Her work in Key Stage Two has helped and supported so many children and their lives at school have been significantly improved because of the work that she has done. We wish Mrs Green very well as she focuses on her health in the coming months.

Mrs Palmer – Mrs Palmer has supported the learning of our youngest pupils, first in Apple class and then in Pear class. We thank her for her work this academic year.

Mr Tarrant – Mr Tarrant has worked in two spells with our school. He always worked with a keen eye for detail and a care and attention to our site – which we are very grateful for. We wish him very well as he takes time to focus on his health.

October Half Term

As you know, we will have a two week half term from 21st October to 1st November. As discussed at the time, we have now found a provider, CM Sports, who will provide a holiday club during the week 21st to 25th October at Kingsham Primary School. Details are as follows:

Pricing: The cost per day is £20 per pupil with a discount for Siblings and Multi-day bookings.

Booking system: Booking made through CM Sports- Website

Timing: 9am to 3pm

Lunch arrangement: Packed lunch provided by parents/carers

Further details are available on the flyer attached below. Bookings will be available on the CM Sports website after the summer holidays. We will send out the direct booking link when they are made available.


Summer Reading Challenge

We always support the summer reading challenge because it is a great opportunity to make use of the Chichester library and to encourage children to read over the summer holidays. At Kingsham, we firmly believe that children need a rest from school and from learning so that they can give their best when they return. Maintaining some reading over the summer holidays gives children a chance to switch off with a book and ensures that they can maintain their fluency of reading over the summer break.
