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Kingsham Primary School

Page 4

  • Brent Lodge wildlife hospital visit Kingsham

    Published 03/10/22, by Ian Williams

    We were lucky enough to have Alex a representative of Brent Lodge wildlife hospital visit the school to tell us all about the work they do for the local wildlife and how we can support them in this too.

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  • Achieved the International Green Flag Award for the 2nd year in a row... with a DISTINCTION

    Published 30/08/22, by Ian Williams

    The award, which was achieved with distinction, recognised the students’ amazing work in making their school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in the school community throughout the past year.

    Pupils earned the recognition by collaborating with the school’s eco-coordinator to conduct an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly Kingsham Primary School is. They reviewed everything from the school’s recycling practices, to energy usage, to looking at healthy living through their home grown produce in the highly successful allotment.

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  • Big congratulations to the children who took part in the South of England show!

    Published 01/07/22, by Ian Williams

    Entries from children included natural dream catchers, paintings, poems and herb planters!

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  • Beautiful wildflower area in the allotment helps to protect bees

    Published 22/05/22, by Ian Williams

    Check out our beautiful and bee-friendly wildflower area in the school allotment!

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  • Kingsham Primary School takes part in 'Earth Hour'

    Published 01/04/22, by Ian Williams

    Earth Hour - a time to switch off and connect with nature!

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  • Recycling Eco News - Terracycle update for crisp packets

    Published 16/03/22, by Ian Williams

    Update for Terracycle crisp packet recycling scheme

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  • Tree Planting News

    Published 03/03/22, by Ian Williams

    Children at Kingsham planted trees to extend our Fantastic Forest Area

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  • Visit from a local resident about litter

    Published 15/02/22, by Ian Williams

    The Green Gang members were lucky enough to meet with local resident Hilary Featherstone this week.

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  • Wrap up warm and go outside for the Big Garden Birdwatch

    Published 25/01/22, by Ian Williams

    RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 28th to 30th January 2022

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  • Huge achievement for our crisp packet recycling

    Published 13/01/22, by Ian Williams

    We are proud to announce that Kingsham has stopped a staggering 10,800 crisp packets from going into landfill! 

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  • Dear Green Santa...

    Published 12/12/21, by Ian Williams

    This year, our eco-warriors decided to write a letter to 'Green Santa' asking for a greener, more eco-friendly Christmas

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  • Apple class celebrate National Tree Week

    Published 12/12/21, by Ian Williams

    Children in Apple class celebrate this special event by planting extra fruit trees in the school's orchard area. 

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