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Kingsham Primary School

Page 5

  • Recycle to Read

    Published 03/12/21, by Ian Williams

    Recycling and reuse scheme collecting unwanted working tech and broken plastic toys!

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  • Recycling for Pringle cans, crisp packets and batteries

    Published 16/11/21, by Ian Williams

    The Green Gang have introduced another recycling initiative - Pringle Cans - to help stop waste from going into landfill.

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  • Take a look at the Green Gang's Recycled Art Project

    Published 02/11/21, by Ian Williams

    Recycled Art Project sending positive 'green' messages across the school

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  • Kingsham raised £300 for planting trees around the world

    Published 02/11/21, by Ian Williams

    A big thank you for raising £300 to support Just One Tree Day to help with reforestation around the world.

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  • Young eco-warriors do their bit!

    Published 02/09/21, by Ian Williams

    Article in 'The Chichester Observer' celebrating our Eco-Warriors!

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  • Crisp Packet Recycling Update

    Published 20/05/21, by Admin

    Crisp Packet Recycling Update

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  • Eco Blog Article 2

    Published 10/03/21, by Admin
    On Friday the 5th March 2021 the year one/two bubble went on a bug adventure and took part in the ‘What’s under your feet?’ campaign. They looked at an area under the grass and counted and measured the worms found, they also checked
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  • Eco Blog Article

    Published 10/03/21, by Admin
    As you know we have  recently achieved our  Eco Schools Green Flag Award and to add to that exciting news we today received our official certificate and flag. So keep a lookout in the near future for where we display our hard earned flag.
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  • Silver Award

    Published 27/11/19, by Admin

    We are really pleased to say the we have now been awarded the Silver Award

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  • Bag2school Collection

    Published 20/11/19, by Admin

    Today was collection day and we raised over £130

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  • Eco News 01-04-19

    Published 01/04/19, by Admin

    Crisp packet recycling

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  • Eco News 25-03-19

    Published 01/04/19, by Admin

    Fruit Composting

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