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Kingsham Primary School

Achievement in the Spring Term

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A really strong return for so many children

It has been a delight to have all of the children back at school with so many of them achieving so highly.


So far this year the children have read 47 481 144 words - that is more than 7 million words more than in the whole of last year. 12 children have read in excess of 1 million words and 23 children have read in excess of 500 000 words. Thank you to all of the parents and carers who have been so supportive this year reading to and with their children. A fantastic effort!

Times Tables

We have 12 children who have now earned all of their times table bands. 

First they earn their number bond band:

Then their orange band for knowing their 2x, 5x and 10x tables:

Then their pink band for knowing their 3x, 4x and 8x tables:

Finally their blue band for knowing their 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x and 12x tables:


It has been noticeable how hard the children have been trying with their writing since they have come back. There have been some wonderful examples of work that have been brought down to me where children have shown such creativity and determination to improve their work. 

Phoebe, Phoebe and Penny read me their retelling of their fairy tales:

Nathaniel and James demonstrated that they could improve on their writing and explain how they had made improvements!