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Kingsham Primary School

Congratulations to our Thrive practitioners!

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Mrs Keenoy and Mrs Mallinson have successfully completed their Thrive courses!

Congratulations to Mrs Mallinson and Mrs Keenoy who have successfully completed their Thrive practitioner courses. They are both trained as Thrive practitioners and will be supporting pupils across the school to develop their social and emotional skills. Mrs Mallinson has also completed Family Thrive Course Leader training and will be leading workshops for families in the near future to support families with children's social and emotional development (watch out). 

What is the Thrive Approach?

Children cannot always put their needs into words. However, the way children behave can tell us a lot about how they are feeling; think of behaviour as a form of communication. The Thrive Approach draws on the latest research from current neuroscience, recent attachment research, current studies of effective learning and current models of child development.

So who gets Thrive?

Everyone! Though they might not realise it. All our pupils have access to regular class based Thrive activities; we want to use specific whole class Thrive PSHCE across our curriculum. Some children benefit from regular out of class Thrive time in one-to-one or small group sessions.

What is a Thrive Action Plan?

A Thrive Action Plan is a plan of activities tailored to support a child's identified social and emotional learning targets. The activities are one-to-one and small group relational, play and arts-based activities designed to help the child feel better about him/herself; become more resilient and resourceful; form trusting, rewarding relationships; be compassionate and empathetic; and/or be able to overcome difficulties and setbacks. They might include playing in the sand, puppets, cooking, painting, model making, exploring difficult situations through role-play or comic strips, playing strategy games or projects focusing on the child's own interests.

If you want to know more about Thrive, do visit the Thrive Approach website;, or speak to Mrs Mallinson, Mrs Keenoy or Mr Williams who will be happy to help you.