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Kingsham Primary School

Free Access to on-line Books

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Keep Reading - We read over 100 million words this year!!

We would love for the children to keep up with their reading over the summer holidays.

The children have read a huge amount this year - in fact the final total is:  101 541 612 words!

To help you to find books that the children are interested in, we have managed to get free access to nearly 6000 books from Accelerated Reader. To access them simply go to:

Then enter the following login information:

  1. School Name: Read On England
  2. Username: KingshamPrimary
  3. Password: KingshamPrimary123

Click on the Sign In button, select a book, and start reading! Many of the books also have the facility whereby they can be read to you.

When you click on a book, click 'Info' and then click on the i. The level of the book will be under ATOS - that way the children will be able to be able to choose books that are appropriate for their ability - in their ZPD.

Happy Reading!