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Kingsham Primary School


Senior Leadership Team


Headteacher: Mr L Dallinger (Languages)

Deputy Headteacher and SENDCo: Mr I Williams


Class Teachers

Reception and KS1 classes

Apple (Reception) - Mrs V Leslie (R.E.) and Mrs J Hennessy (Music)
Pear (Reception and Year 1) - Miss E Mckeown (PSHCE)
Ash (Year 1) - Miss O Sturdey (Geography)
Cherry (Year 2) -  Mrs S Fletcher (PE)
Year 3 and 4 classes

Maple - Mrs L Johnson (History)
Oak - Mrs A Stretton-Watts (Art & DT)
Willow - Miss K Reed (Science)
Year 5 and 6 classes
Hawthorn - Mr M Crispin (Computing)
Birch - Miss L Noble (PSHCE)
Beech - Miss S Edwards (Mathematics)
Poplar - Miss P Kyriakides (English)

Teaching Assistants

Miss J Bennett

Mrs H Phillips

Mrs S Lawlor 

Miss S Smith

Mrs J Garforth

Mrs T Sadler

Ms M Oelman

Mrs R Targett

Mrs A Green


Mrs F Farhana


Miss S Pillado

Miss N O'Leary

Mrs T Pope 


Miss K Madgwick



Mrs K Palmer




 Higher Level Teaching Assistants

Mrs D Tarrant   

Mrs L Collyer 

Academic Mentor

Miss C Heath


Mr D Squires (Site Maintenance Co-ordinator)

Mr D Tarrant (Site Maintenance Assistant)


Mrs K Mitchell  

Miss J Nolan

Miss A Woodley    

Pastoral Support Worker

Mrs S Twine

HR and Finance Officer

Miss M Enstone

Administrative Officer

Mrs J Redfern

Administrative Assistants 

Mrs J Hawthorn

Lunchtime Supervisors

Miss J Bennett

Mrs C Howard

Miss S Pillado

Mrs S Smith

Mrs C Talley

Mrs F Farhana

Mrs T Sadler

Mrs J Garforth

Miss N O'Leary

Miss K Madgwick

Mrs K Palmer