At Kingsham Primary School we are committed to raising the participation levels for our children in sporting and extra-curricular activities. Our other priorities are encouraging greater activity levels through a quality PE curriculum (which is taught by well-trained teachers) and through an engaging play environment.
In short, our objective is to ensure our children live healthy, active lives at school and discover and engage in a range of PE and sporting activities during their time at Kingsham. We hope this will develop healthy living habits which the children will take with them throughout their lives.
The PE and Sports Premium is an allocation of additional funding from the Department for Education, given to every school with primary age children to support the development of Physical Education, School Sport and Competition.
All schools are required to report on the amount of funding received and how this is being used, as well as the impact this is having on pupils. Please click on the reports below to see a review of last year's expenditure and the budget allocated for this year.